Components Of Direct Pcr Lysis Reagent Viagen For Tails

amfiSure Direct PCR Lysis Buffer

D0300-010 100ml
EUR 165.6

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the components of direct pcr lysis reagent viagen for tails reagents distributed by Genprice. The Components Of Direct Pcr Lysis Reagent Viagen For Tails reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Direct pcr viagen. Other Components products are available in stock. Specificity: Components Category: Of Group: Direct Pcr


25 ml
EUR 95

Cell Lysis Reagent - 50 ml

EUR 116.39

Direct Tissue PCR Kit

EUR 55.59
Description: Direct Tissue PCR Kit enables to perform PCR reactions directly from tissue samples with no priorDNA purification

Direct Tissue PCR Kit

EUR 251.79
Description: Direct Tissue PCR Kit enables to perform PCR reactions directly from tissue samples with no priorDNA purification

Direct Blood PCR Kit

EUR 69.76
Description: Enables to perform PCR reactions directly from whole blood with no prior DNA extraction or purification

Direct Blood PCR Kit

EUR 277.95
Description: Enables to perform PCR reactions directly from whole blood with no prior DNA extraction or purification

Direct Plant PCR Kit

EUR 55.59
Description: Enables to perform PCR reactions directly from plants with no prior DNA extraction or purification

Direct Pcr information

Mouse Direct PCR Kit (For Genotyping)

B45012 1ml*5 (500 ractions)
EUR 336
Description: The Mouse Direct PCR Kit provides a fast preparation and PCR amplIFication that is specIFically designed for mouse genotyping. Buffer L and Protease Plus rapidly digests mouse tissue to release intact genomic DNA that can be used directly as the template for PCR amplIFication.

Mouse Direct PCR Kit (For Genotyping)

B45013 1ml*20 (2000 ractions)
EUR 1038
Description: The Mouse Direct PCR Kit provides a fast preparation and PCR amplIFication that is specIFically designed for mouse genotyping. Buffer L and Protease Plus rapidly digests mouse tissue to release intact genomic DNA that can be used directly as the template for PCR amplIFication.

Allele-In-One Human Blood Direct Lysis Buffer

ABP-PP-BD01100 100 RXNS Ask for price

Allele-In-One Human Blood Direct Lysis Buffer

ABP-PP-BD01500 500 RXNS Ask for price

Allele-In-One Mouse Tail Direct PCR Kit

ABP-PP-MT02100 100 RXNS Ask for price

Allele-In-One Mouse Tail Direct PCR Kit

ABP-PP-MT02500 500 RXNS Ask for price

Cell Lysis Buffer (Component G) used for NAD/NADH, NADP/NADPH assay

MBS433674-10mL 10mL
EUR 160

Cell Lysis Buffer (Component G) used for NAD/NADH, NADP/NADPH assay

MBS433674-5x10mL 5x10mL
EUR 560

One.Direct.Step RT-qPCR Kit for Probes (DIRECT PCR FROM BLOOD)

105-540 20 rcs x 50 µl
EUR 196.8

Plant Direct PCR Kit

PD105-00-10rxns 10 rxns
EUR 1.09

Plant Direct PCR Kit

PD105-01 50 rxn (50 μl/rxn)
EUR 202.8

Plant Direct PCR Kit

PD105-02 200 rxn (50 μl/rxn)
EUR 159.5

Plant Direct PCR Kit

PD105-02-200rxns 200 rxns
EUR 165.16

Direct PCRKits for Blood

FYT302-100P 100 Preps Ask for price

Direct PCRKits for Plant

FYT303-100P 100 Preps Ask for price

Magnesium Chloride 25mM, PCR Reagent

11170057-1 10 mL
EUR 36.24

Magnesium Chloride 25mM, PCR Reagent

11170057-2 25 mL
EUR 26.26